Still working on it. Have eliminated Eurish, Loglan and Klingon, but "Ash nazg durbatulûk," just to choose a synecdochic specimen at random, seems both too depressing and too annoyingly pharyngeal.
Riverrun past Orodruin, and I'm still looking. King Charles I is not a propitious source. His recommendations -- "Je parle espagnol a Dieu, italien aux femmes, français aux hommes et allemand a mon cheval." -- basically suck, inasmuch as all of these are memorable, and anyway, the blog is for humans (or maybe just a single solipsistic one), wherefore serais-je obligé d'écrire en français o italiano. Merde.
I guess it really is forgotten. Coming up: annoying posts in hexadecimal.
Have we forgotten what ‘mind’ means?
There is an obvious rejoinder to this, which is, did we ever know what
‘mind’ means? Maybe that’s the real question I wanted to ask, but I think
it’s be...
6 days ago
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