Friday, June 19, 2009

Get Rich! Huge Profits! Money! Britney Spears!

...are all topics that have nothing whatsoever to do with this post. Hits have been lagging, however, averaging something on the order of -1 per day (I think there may actually have been discovered a counterpart to antimatter known as "antipeople," blog hits from whom cause one's counter to be decremented), but anyway, I thought I would invoke these magickal talismanic words, seemingly the subjects of greatest interest to web surfers everywhere, just to see what would happen.

To justify the title, though, let me mention that you will not get rich, that you have no prospect of making any sort of profits (except by means of the venerable American tradition of raping the poor and/or perpetrating defalcation, but then, if you had the iniquitous inclination and found yourself in the position to engage in either of the aforesaid practices, you wouldn't be reading this blog), that "Money" (with or without caps) no longer exists, and finally, that your chances of meeting Britney Spears are roughly the same as your actuarial prospects of being killed by a falling toilet seat from a disintegrating Soviet space station (though it happened to George, so hope springs eternal).

What, then, is the real topic of this post? Sorry, I forgot.

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