D.A.V.E. of Work in Digress was kind enough recently to commend this blog to his readers, so let me hasten to reciprocate. What really distinguishes D.A.V.E.'s site from the multitude of other journals and cris de borborygme in the cybernetic darkling plain, apart from wit and entertainment value, is his phenomenal verbal erudition. This is prose that's fun to read, fraught with recondite lexemes, and hypoallergenic of diction, a balm to the sensibilities of those of us (fans, e.g., of the works of Lynne Truss) unreasonably annoyed by the ubiquitousness elsewhere in the logosphere of grating and disharmonic solecisms.
Two other blogs I follow attentively, likewise characterized by conspicuous erudition and superlative wordcraft, are:
Ikaryos: An unsparing and exquisitely honest and articulate (and sometimes ineffably poetic) expression of the author's internal theological struggles: angst interspersed with serious insights and occasional epiphanies.
Journeyman Philosopher: This blogger, though relentlessly modest, has a better and broader command of a range of abstruse scientific and metamathematical issues than most of the professional philosophers I've had occasion to traffic with in the hallowed graves of academe (pace Richard Mitchell). Fascinating reading, and a tenaciously rational author.
Have we forgotten what ‘mind’ means?
There is an obvious rejoinder to this, which is, did we ever know what
‘mind’ means? Maybe that’s the real question I wanted to ask, but I think
it’s be...
6 days ago
Hi Peter - to repeat my thanks on my blog (fearing only slightly that we may be starting a deliciously interminable self-congratulating Moebius strip) let me say again:
ReplyDelete"No greater honour can a logophile receive than one which causes him to slow down and reread in order to comprehend fully!
Misquoting Monty Python most horridly, I genuflect in your most specific direction!
Truly, a gentleman and a scholar!"